Comparative Concept: strategy (def)

strategy (def)

Typ def
Alias(se) strategy • strategies
Spraakbanken strategy (def)




actual information packaging strategy (str) agree/disagree alignment strategy (str) alignment system category (FN-Br) (str) alternative concessive conditional strategy (str) balanced, balancing (str) biclausal reciprocal (str) deranked, deranking (str) derived-case (str) detached (topic phrase) (str) direct report (str) double expression (str) double-coding strategy (str) doubling (str) echo strategy (str) ellipsis (str) encoding strategy (str) equipollent (str) experiencer-oriented strategy (str) external possessor strategy (str) externally headed (str) figure-incorporating (str) have-possessive strategy (str) hybrid information packaging strategy (str) ideophones (str) independent referring phrase strategy (str) independent strategy (str) indirect report (str) internal possessor strategy (str) internally headed strategy (str) labile (str) locational possessive strategy (str) long-distance reflexive (str) merged argument structure strategy (str) middle voice (str) monoclausal transitive reciprocal strategy (str) nominal strategy (str) noun incorporation (str) noun-modifying clause strategy (str) ordered strategy (str) overt (coding) strategy (str) partially merged argument structure strategy (str) perception verb strategy (str) possessive locative strategy (str) predicational locative strategy (str) predicational strategy (str) predicativization possessive strategy (str) pronoun-retention strategy (str) prosody (str) recruitment strategy (str) relative pronoun strategy (str) satellite-framing strategy (str) scalar concessive conditional strategy (str) semantic information packaging strategy (str) simple predicate applicative strategy (str) simple predicate causative strategy (str) split argument structure strategy (str) split structure (str) STAMP strategy (str) stimulus-oriented strategy (str) strategy element (FN-Br) (str) subject–oblique strategy (str) system (str) tense iconicity (str) topic possessive strategy (str) topic-locational hybrid possessive strategy (str) transitivity-based causative strategies (str) universal concessive conditional strategy (str) verb-framing strategy (str) with-possessive strategy (str) yes/no alignment strategy (str) yes/no/disagree alignment strategy (str) zero coded strategy (str)


a construction in a language (or any language) used to express a particular combination of semantic content and information packaging, which is further distinguished by certain characteristics of morphosyntactic - form that can be defined in a crosslinguistically consistent fashion. Example: the English Predicate Nominal Construction, illustrated by Sam is a bloodhound, uses the verbal copula strategy, a particular type of morphosyntactic structure, to express the predicate nominal construction. (Section 1.4)