Comparative Concept: logophoric system (str)

logophoric system (str)

Typ strategy (def)
Alias(se) logophoric system
Spraakbanken logophoric system (str)




a system found with certain complement clause constructions where one strategy is used when a participant in the complement - event is coreferential with the speaker, addressee, or experiencer of an utterance, propositional attitude, knowledge, or commentative event (the logophoric construction), and a different strategy is used when there is no such coreference relation. Example: in Donno Sɔ Oumar Anta inyemɛñ waa be gi 'Oumari said that Anta had seen himi', the reference to Oumar in the complement clause uses a special pronoun form inyemɛñ, but in Oumar Anta woñ waa be gi 'Oumari said that Anta had seen himk', the referent in the complement is not Oumar, and so the ordinary third person - anaphoric pronoun woñ is used. (Section 18.4.2)