Comparative Concept: verb-coding strategy (str)

verb-coding strategy (str)

Typ strategy (def)
Alias(se) verb-coding strategy • verb-coding
Spraakbanken verb-coding strategy (str)




a strategy for the expression of the semantic role of the relative clause head in the event denoted by the relative clause of an externally headed - relative clause construction, in which the predicate of the relative clause uses different voice - forms in order to specify the semantic role of the shared participant in the relative clause event. Example: in Luganda ekiso [John kyeyattisa enkoko] 'the knife with which John killed the chicken', the predicate kyeyattisa 'killed' contains the instrumental - applicative suffix -is that indicates that the relative clause head ekiso 'knife' denotes the instrument participant in the killing event. Comrie (2003b) restricts verb-coding strategies to languages which use voice forms that are exclusively found in relative clause constructions (and thus would exclude the Luganda example); we follow the broader definition introduced in Keenan (1972). (Section 19.3)