Comparative Concept: perception event (sem) / verb (cxn) / complement-taking predicate (cxn)


an experiential event involving one (or more) of the sensory modalities and directed toward a stimulus. The stimulus may be either an object or an event. A perception verb is a verb that expresses the event of perceiving an object. Example: Tim heard the macaw is an example of a perception event, and hear is the perception verb (Section 7.4). A perception complement-taking predicate is a predicate that expresses perceiving an event, which is expressed as the complement event of the predicate. Example: in We watched the elk graze in the caldera, watched denotes a perception event. The complement event has dependent time reference; the complement event must be occurring at the same time as the perceiving event (although modern media allowing watching a prior event via a recording). (Section 18.2.2)