Comparative Concept: transitivity-based causative strategies (str)
transitivity-based causative strategies (str)
Typ | strategy |
Alias(se) | transitivity-based causative strategies |
Assoziiert |
Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key constructicon.comparativeconceptentry.partonomy
Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key constructicon.comparativeconceptentry.taxonomy
monoclausal strategies for the causative construction in which the causee in the causative event is coded differently depending on the valency of the corresponding base event. Example: in Turkish, the causee in a causative event is encoded in the Accusative Case if the base event is monovalent (Ali Hasan-t öl-dür-dü 'Ali killed Hasan [acc]'), and in the Dative Case if the base event is bivalent (Dişçi mektub-u müdür-e imzala-t-tí 'The dentist got the director [dat] to sign the letter'). (Section 9.2)