Comparative Concept: flag, flagging (str)

flag, flagging (str)

Typ strategy
Alias(se) flag, flagging • case marker • flag • flagging

Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key constructicon.comparativeconceptentry.partonomy


Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key constructicon.comparativeconceptentry.taxonomy


a strategy for encoding the relation in major propositional acts ( modifier referent, predicate argument), in which there is a third morpheme that encodes the semantic relation between the two concepts, where the dependent concept ( modifier in a modification construction, argument in a clause) is an object concept. Flags subsume adpositions and case affixes. Examples: in the plate on the table, on is a flag, and in I dug the hole with a shovel, with is a flag; both are adpositions. (Sections 4.3, 6.2.2)