Comparative Concept: ditransitive construction (cxn)

ditransitive construction (cxn)

Typ construction
Alias(se) ditransitive construction • ditransitive • ditransitive (construction)

Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key constructicon.comparativeconceptentry.partonomy

Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key constructicon.comparativeconceptentry.taxonomy


the construction used to express the agent of the trivalent giving event (the A role), the theme of the giving event (the T role), and the recipient of the giving event (the R role) when the agent is more salient than the theme or recipient. Example: Randy gave the car to his daughter is an instance of the exemplar (the single 'most prototypical' example) of the ditransitive construction. (Sections 6.1.2, 7.5.1)