Comparative Concept: identifiability, identity (inf)

identifiability, identity (inf)

Typ information packaging (def)
Alias(se) identifiability, identity • identifiability/identity • identifiability • identity
Spraakbanken identifiability, identity (inf)




how identifiable a particular referent/token is to the speaker and hearer, based on the description of the referent/token provided by the referring phrase. Examples: felicitous use of the student or she requires that the identity of the referent is known to the speaker and hearer; if a student is used for a real-world referent, then the identity of the referent is unknown to the hearer, and possibly also to the speaker; a student may also refer to a referent that is only type identifiable, hence its individual identity cannot be known to the speaker and hearer. (Section 3.2)